Saturday, July 25, 2009


One the second weekend we took a trip to the mythical home of King Arthur in Tintangel.

and HERE it IS

You can watch the graduation HERE!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009


ON MY WAY!!!! That's my cap and gown behind me! Picture to follow!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

80's Night

Our second week here in Plymouth we all went out to an 80's bar. The decade is very popular here in England, so finding clothing is very easy (just go to the local mall).

Through the Window

Here is a "window" looking at me relaxing in Plymouth. This was a really cool class project, can't wait to do more!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Still In Plymouth

It has been brought to my attention that I have not blogged since arriving in Plymouth and I am getting a degree in tech. Very good points. And now that I am done with all the really big work I finally have the time to write.

What have I been doing you ask? Mostly I have been learning how to do thing QUICKLY!! We have had many "quick designs" to accomplish. During class our professor will tell us to make a video and we have two hours to complete it and upload it to a share drive. Below I have embedded a stop motion movie of a Haiku. We had to take close to 200 pictures before formating then loading them into a movie production program. We did not get to choose the haiku and we had to wait for "GO" to read it. Overall it was a fun process and now I know can do given a short time and a surprise topic. I am excited to try this with a topic I am passionate about and will have more time.

I will share more of my work later. For now you can follow me on twitter for more current updates as we are using that for class daily.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back in Plymouth!

So far I have been in Plymouth 3 days. The trip here was suprisingly uneventful-- can't remember the last time I flew without some kind of yuckiness! I am sure that I am jinxing it by mentioning it here but I am too excited over the ease of travel to not comment on it.

My first night was great. There was a welcome get together-- appetizeres and wine. Then JP planned for us to visit a skooner (sp?) boat for nothing less than a wine tasting. What better way to kick of my trip to England than with lots of drinking with my old friends.

Monday was a good day back in class. Not too stressful, just getting an idea of what's to come, okay that was a little stressful. We tried to go to that mall in the afternoon to pick up a few things we forgot. But, the mall closes at 5!!!! What is that about?!?! I forgot how early everything closes around here.

Tuesday, already feels like a week! There is so much to do, I need to get my iImage together. Some picture to show my passion (math). Ideas are welcome! I also got to see the Mars Rover, VERY COOL. She is visiting for the week while the scientists have meetings to talk about the really cool things she can do.