Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back in Japan

I have only been in Japan for 2 days but it feels more like 2 weeks.

I arrived Tuesday at 3pm into Narita. The flight itself was fine, long, boring, and cramped but nothing that bad. At the airport I luckily ran into some friends so I was able to ride back to base with them. That night I stayed with some friends who live across the street from school. Long and tiring day but with my friends it all worked out well.

Wednesday I got up at 4am- jet lag is so fun. It was really nice to see all my friends when I got back to school. At lunch I went to my car, which I hadn't seen for 10 weeks, and it was covered in MOLD!! That's right I said MOLD, like on a sandwich! It is so gross. But then I tried to take someplace to clean it and it wouldn't start! So now my car won't start and it's covered in MOLD. I called autoport and they came to tow it since it couldn't be jumped. Have I mentioned I haven't even been to my house yet? and my car is covered in MOLD!?

Thursday the autoport fixed the car and even with the tow the total was only $75. It is still covered in MOLD since even they won't touch that crap. I covered the seat with plastic bags and tried not to touch anything to take it off base to have it cleaned. The only place I can find who will even try are going to charge $420 to get rid of the MOLD!

Luckily I have really great friends, they are letting me borrow their cars until I can figure out this whole MOLD thing. Can't wait to see how things develop.


Anonymous said...

I would really like to see a picture of this moldy car. I'm picturing like some kind of underwater vehicle that is all mossy and green. Please do not deprive your loyal readers and take a picture of this interesting car so we can see it!!!!

Your Favorite Sister

Anonymous said...

Come on everyone let's start at petition to have a picture of the moldy car posted.

Post Moldy Car Picture:
1. Elizabeth
2. Babe
3. Little Bit
4. Mrs. Suhr
5. All the girls at Compass Bank
6. Deanna (you know she wants to see it to)


Anonymous said...

Hey I would like to see a picture of this moldy car. What exactly does it look like, a big sponge? Come on share with everyone, show us a picture of Sponge Bob.