Last night we decided we wanted pizza for dinner, it was raining and it had been a long day. Online we go. . . Domino's site. . . ordering. . . ordering. . . ordering. . . 30 minutes later the order is finally completed. Then we wait. An hour later- still no pizza. We decide to call and find out what is taking so long.
In the dorms the only phone available for public use is in the kitchen, most of us don't have local phones so this is all we have for calling locally- which nobody ever does. But the kitchen we were in did not have a phone, ripped off the wall for some reason or another. We had to walk over to my building to use the phone in my kitchen. Great! Now we can find out where our pizza is.
Oh yeah, did I mention these pizzas were $32 EACH?!?! Better be GREAT pizza.
But the phone doesn’t work. At least not without the purchase of $10 calling card, which no one has or wants to buy. We will never need it again, we live with everyone we know locally. Back with everyone else we decide on a new plan for pizza.
Alright, we'll give up on delivery. There is a local pub (The Fresher) that makes pizza, two of us will walk over there and order pizza to go. Out into the rain we go again. Just outside we run into two people who inform us the Fresher is no longer serving food- just drinks. But there is another pub (Cuba) which is still making food. Off to Cuba we go- and no they are no longer making food either. Okay, I ask where the next closest place to get pizza is - DOMINO'S!!! It’s a 10 minute walk, up-hill (of course). Off we go to Domino's, maybe we can find out what happened to the pizza we had ordered 2hrs ago. On the way we see a little to-go shop, selling hamburgers, kebabs, falafels, sundries, and PIZZA. We ordered our pizza and 10 minutes later were on our way home with them. FINALLY.
As we leave the store we run into Captain America.
Have I mentioned I LOVE it here!?!?!
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