So Sunday we went to Ikea and I spent LOTS of money. Considering I needed a bed, kitchen table, and a small lounge for my bedroom I think I did pretty well.
My first challenge was that I don't know how to write my name in Kanji AND I don't have it written on my house. How are they supposed to find my house without my name written on it?!?! Oh yeah . . . there is the address. Ikea made a REALLY big deal out of the no name thing, but I talked them into it anyway.
Challenge number 2 figuring out when it will be delivered. My window for delivery was 8am to 6pm, so pretty narrow. Then in the morning they called and said they would arrive at 2214. Um. . . What? Again he said 2214 and said "Okay, bye." But "Wait, Wait!! I don't understand." After MUCH discussion we finally got to 2pm to 4pm. Then they arrived at 12:30.
Putting the furniture together is actually the easiest part of the whole thing.
Finally the last challenge is what to do with all the boxes afterwards. I folded them all up, tied them with string, checked my garbage calendar, and put it out on the correct day. Or not. Turns out I did it wrong and they did not take my trash. The owner had to come a claim the trash and now has taken responsibility for its disposal. I have received instructions on how to do it properly, which I only heard "Just take it on base."
You know you can always just bring home all your boxes at Christmas. I know people actually pay for empty boxes back home. Take care.
Did you know Babe was in the hospital on Halloween?
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