But why is this post under the PancakeLog title you ask? Well ... as hard as it was being relegated back to my usual economy I still got to order my vegetarian meals. AND the vegetarian breakfast was... dadada... PANCAKES! They were a great surprise and actually pretty good. Didn't have my camera in my seat so sadly there is no picture of my wonderful surprise pancakes. Pancakes are great but when they come a surprise, I think they may be a little better.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Pancake Log 10.15
My flight from Tokyo to San Fransisco was cancelled. Of course I did not find this out until I tried to check in (the email notification came 40 min after that). They moved me to a flight on Singapore at 6:45pm which was then delayed to 7:10pm. Also my connection changed to having a layover in LAX, the most confusing airport. But the worst part, the WORST part other than having to spend an extra 8hrs in airports was that I had gotten an upgrade to first class on the original flights! But no more, back to regular economy- I know my life is so hard.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Pancake Log 10.12 & 10.13
Had pancakes twice this weekend! Sunday I had my new favorite orange and ricotta then Monday I had my old standard regular pancakes topped with a baked apple. Sorry no pics since neither were new or all that interesting.
The whole weekend was very nice and relaxing, spent lots of time on new hobby- purse making. Made 2 kid purses, a messenger bag, and my very first grown up purse. Other than that I spent a lot of time doing a lot of nothing. Talked to family, had lunch with friends, overall a low key quiet weekend. Trying to soak up all the quiet time I can.
The whole weekend was very nice and relaxing, spent lots of time on new hobby- purse making. Made 2 kid purses, a messenger bag, and my very first grown up purse. Other than that I spent a lot of time doing a lot of nothing. Talked to family, had lunch with friends, overall a low key quiet weekend. Trying to soak up all the quiet time I can.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Pancake Log 10.11
I am back from my trip to Okinawa for the first annual Math Fest. It was so great to spend time with students who actually like math and want to talk about it. I also really enjoyed working with the other math teachers. It was nice to get to know some people who share my passion for math. Hopefully we can start building a community and share ideas with each other.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Far East Math
First day of Far East Math ...
- Amazing "real" mathematician was our keynote. I love listening to math- I know, I know...
- Listened to some really smart students talk about math and its connection to different disciplines.
- Watched a sea cucumber take a wiz on a student.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
2.5 = 5.5???
Today I have arrived at Far East Math! Students from all around Japan, Guam, and Korea have come together to participate in math activities. Sounds like fun right?!?! Well it does to ME. We left base at 6am (meaning I was up before 5am). Our flight took off on schedule at 9am, we were supposed to land at 1130 (2.5hrs) but due to bad weather we ended up landing at 2:30 (5.5hrs). We got to our resort just in time for dinner at 6pm. Luckily my students are great and basically napped the time away. But that meant when we arrived they were wide awake and definitely not happy about their 9:30 curfew. I know I am exhausted and ready for sleep. But this resort rocks! I can't believe we are staying here.
Pancake Log 10.10
Strawberry Pancakes... but I lost the camera, got tired of looking and the pancakes were getting cold.... Found the camera but the pancakes were already gone... they were very good.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Pancake Log 10.09
Possibly one of my favorite parts of being in Phoenix, going to Mass with Dazza then off to IHOP for pancakes!
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From Pancakes |
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pancake Log 10.08
Back in Phoenix and had wonderful Mom made pancakes! Didn't even bother to think about getting a picture, to busy being happy. I got to enjoy my pancakes with Alex. After pancakes he and I went to Best Buy and played around with the iPad before I took him home and picked up Dazza. Dazza and I then had a fun time at the mall where she was very excited to get cookie dough lip gloss. For lunch I talked her into my favorite, Jason's Deli- FREE ICE CREAM!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pancake Log 10.06 & 10.07
I lost the picture of the pancakes I had on Pi day! Completely deleted from my camera and computer, one day I am sure I find it filed under some wierd name in some until then unheard of file. But until then you will just have to believe me. Just like today. I did have pancakes on my plate but was too hungry to take a picture first. It was breakfast for dinner day and I did not want to wait.
I did eat that last bite. (Couldn't just let is sit there all alone!)
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From Pancakes |
I did eat that last bite. (Couldn't just let is sit there all alone!)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
This one time I followed Japanese people.
Easter started out normal and nice enough. Began with 8am Mass, went to the early one since the fewest people go to that service. Did a little shopping, new books for spring break. Met some friends for brunch at the Officers Club- watched children freaked out and cried when approached by giraffes, monkeys, and bunnies (not actual animals, people in costumes).
When I got home I decided to go for a short walk. While walking I noticed many Japanese people walking to and from "some place." Now I didn't know where they were coming from or where they were going but there was a steady stream of people. So having nothing better to do I got in line. I followed and walked and walked and walked. Finally I ended up on top of a mountain at a park with the most AMAZING view. I could see Tokyo Bay, Hayama, the base, ... miles in all directions.Since I had only planned on a short walk I didn't have my camera, so no pictures for you. Next time.
I have lived walking distance from the most beautiful hike for 1.5yrs and never knew. All I had to do was turn left.
When I got home I decided to go for a short walk. While walking I noticed many Japanese people walking to and from "some place." Now I didn't know where they were coming from or where they were going but there was a steady stream of people. So having nothing better to do I got in line. I followed and walked and walked and walked. Finally I ended up on top of a mountain at a park with the most AMAZING view. I could see Tokyo Bay, Hayama, the base, ... miles in all directions.Since I had only planned on a short walk I didn't have my camera, so no pictures for you. Next time.
I have lived walking distance from the most beautiful hike for 1.5yrs and never knew. All I had to do was turn left.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sake to 10k
This weekend began with a Sake tasting. Some friends and I attended a Sake Seminar at the officers club. We tried 8 different types, didn't love them all but most were GREAT. Can you belive that I have lived in Japan for almost 5yrs and this was my first taste of Sake.
Sunday morning I particpated in the Tokyo Marathon, only the 10k though. It was rainy and cold but I did it and met my goal. The worst part of it was standing out in the rain for an hour waiting for the race to start. The opening song was of course an 80's classic- Belinda Carlisle's "Heaven is a place on earth". By the end of the run it felt more like I had gone swimming than running. Overall the experience was great, running with thousands of people through the streets of Tokyo.
I don't have any pictures of my run, the only proof I did run it can be found here: http://p.tokyo42195.org/numberfile/7818.html
From Feb.'10 |
I don't have any pictures of my run, the only proof I did run it can be found here: http://p.tokyo42195.org/numberfile/7818.html
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Pancake Log 10.04
Pancake & Waffle from the Officer's Club
Last week Caroline, Guero and I went to the brunch buffet at the Officer's Club. The pancakes aren't all that great but the fresh made waffles are wonderful. I really love Sunday's where after church I get to spend time with good friends (especially when we eat my favorite food). They even let me use their kitchen that afternoon so I could make cookies in an actual oven.
Two weeks ago I was able to take a tour of the USS George Washington. It was really cool to be aboard. I even got to sit in the captains chair! I did get in a little trouble though... They wouldn't let me turn the steering wheel and there were buttons everywhere I had to push one! I managed to hold back but then while sitting in one of the really cool chairs I was playing with the phones and accidentally pushed a button. Then someone came on over the intercom and yelled at me not to touch anything. Since I haven't been tracked down I must not have broken anything or caused some sort of international event.
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From Pancakes |
Two weeks ago I was able to take a tour of the USS George Washington. It was really cool to be aboard. I even got to sit in the captains chair! I did get in a little trouble though... They wouldn't let me turn the steering wheel and there were buttons everywhere I had to push one! I managed to hold back but then while sitting in one of the really cool chairs I was playing with the phones and accidentally pushed a button. Then someone came on over the intercom and yelled at me not to touch anything. Since I haven't been tracked down I must not have broken anything or caused some sort of international event.
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From GW |
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Pancake Log 10.03
Oatmeal blueberry
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From Pancakes |
The weekend started well. Friday night some teachers from school got together at one of our favorite restaurants on the beach, Don's. We had the whole downstairs room reserved for us and the evening was great, love their food! I had my usual Gorgonzola pizza dipped in honey.
Saturday started with the oatmeal blueberry pancakes and phone calls home. The pancakes were both my breakfast and mid morning snack before my run. The run went fine until I completely biffed it at 3.5 miles, badly scraping both my knees. I had chosen my route specifically because it was in a relatively secluded area with little traffic or people. I had to walk with my pants rolled up above my knees, getting very cold. I got to a main road about 0.5mi up and am sure freaked out some Japanese people with the blood dripping down my legs. Another 0.5mi up I finally came it a 7i (basically 7-11) and bought some bandages, thank God I was prepared and had money with me. The lady at the counter did yell out and pointed at my legs as if I didn't know about my knees. I walked another 1.5mi to get home, get this... I DIDN"T get lost! (I know I am surprised.)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Pancake Log 10.02
Oatmeal pancakes with warm strawberries!! Yummy.
So far I am still on track with my running resolution. It is my reading resolution that I am having trouble with already. I want to read 3 books a month and so far I have only completed one. The second book "The Parrot's Theorem" is taking me a little while to read. Hopefully I will finish before the end of the week and pick up my Wally Lamb book to finish- had to put it down when it upset me too much.
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From Pancakes |
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Pancake Log 10.01
Saturday I had my first plate of pancakes for the year. They were GREAT! I decided to go with simple bisquick minis with baked apple on the side. I actually microwaved the apples with syrup and cinnamon.
So far this year I have a good start on my New Year's Resolutions. The first one for the year is to run 1000 miles, weekly I hope to get in 26.2 miles. So far so good.
So far this year I have a good start on my New Year's Resolutions. The first one for the year is to run 1000 miles, weekly I hope to get in 26.2 miles. So far so good.
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From Pancakes |
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Praha (aka Prague)
The castle was amazing!
New life goal: Become a princess and insist on castle with central heating. (That place was COLD)
New life goal: Become a princess and insist on castle with central heating. (That place was COLD)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Was exactly the way I imagined it! Right when we got the end of the first block I suddenly felt very "Catholic". Took me a minute to figure out why, there was a great big church with statues all over celebrating Mass right then. In less then 5 min walk we entered two other BEAUTIFUL Catholic Churches. One of them had a tall bell tower we were allowed to climb all the way to the top. The view was magnificent! Ben and I counted at least 8 clock towers from just one vantage point, who knows how many we would have found if we had counted all the way around.
The center of the city square looks just like it does in the movies. I was half expecting, all the way HOPING, to see Jason Bourne go running though center. No such luck, only the regular tourists. There were a lot of tourists, especially considering we were there on a Sunday and not a single store was opened. The only things open were cafes and bars.
We went to the famous beer hall in the center of town. We had pretzels, bread, and cheese... and BEER. (I am the only one who had beer.) It was so much fun with the band playing and everyone crowded in. Have I mentioned yet that I really enjoy the grown up men in Germany. They are full size there! Almost all were taller than I am, it was great.
The center of the city square looks just like it does in the movies. I was half expecting, all the way HOPING, to see Jason Bourne go running though center. No such luck, only the regular tourists. There were a lot of tourists, especially considering we were there on a Sunday and not a single store was opened. The only things open were cafes and bars.
We went to the famous beer hall in the center of town. We had pretzels, bread, and cheese... and BEER. (I am the only one who had beer.) It was so much fun with the band playing and everyone crowded in. Have I mentioned yet that I really enjoy the grown up men in Germany. They are full size there! Almost all were taller than I am, it was great.
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