Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Still In Plymouth

It has been brought to my attention that I have not blogged since arriving in Plymouth and I am getting a degree in tech. Very good points. And now that I am done with all the really big work I finally have the time to write.

What have I been doing you ask? Mostly I have been learning how to do thing QUICKLY!! We have had many "quick designs" to accomplish. During class our professor will tell us to make a video and we have two hours to complete it and upload it to a share drive. Below I have embedded a stop motion movie of a Haiku. We had to take close to 200 pictures before formating then loading them into a movie production program. We did not get to choose the haiku and we had to wait for "GO" to read it. Overall it was a fun process and now I know can do given a short time and a surprise topic. I am excited to try this with a topic I am passionate about and will have more time.

I will share more of my work later. For now you can follow me on twitter for more current updates as we are using that for class daily.

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