Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life since Pi Day

I am the worst host ever! I forgot all kinds of things, but luckily I have some great friends who are easily contacted. Davia called Jim and Martha to ask them to bring a cake cutter and server. We called James (not Brackett) to bring flower cutters. And then upstairs from the party was Karen who brought down an extension cord and scissors. It's like I wasn't planning on a party at all!! But it in the end it went very well and there were plenty of people to wish Jill and James best wishes on their wedding.

6 days, 5 school days, 4 student days until SPRING BREAK!!

I realized I never reported on my great Pi day party. It went very well, surprisingly well actually. There were many more people than I was expecting, honestly I only thought 10 people would show (my friends humoring me!). But instead there were probably about 30 people there with lots of round food. We then played Pi-ctionary and everyone had fun trying to guess all the pictures of words that begin with pi-. I say it all the time but I have some really great friends here and there are some truly wonderful people I am still learning to know.

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