Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Running On Base

After school Monica and I went for a run around base. The first 45 min were completely uneventful. Then suddenly we were in the middle of some kind of drill. The Japanese military who share our base were setting up posts, patrolling, and overall acting like we were being attacked. (We are not being attacked.) I ran into a group of soldiers first, for me they moved aside and apologized for being in my way. Monica came along and they made her stop, but then waved her through. Finally some actual Navy officers came running along they were stopped and frisked! The captain was very upset that they let me pass right though but HE was forced to take part in their little scenario. Continuing on for the lat 20 min of the run we were passed by many trucks filled with soldiers and temporary posts they set up along the road.

Guess that's life on a military base. Never dull.

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