Sunday, September 28, 2008


This morning after church I wanted breakfast, and not a buffet. The only way to get a breakfast, that's not fast food, on base is at a buffet. My friend suggested we go to Denny's. Denny's here is . . . different. But they do have eggs, pancakes, and french toast on their menu. So I ordered a regular American breakfast, at least as far as the Japanese is concerned. The one I chose had eggs, corned beef hash, and pancakes. Oh yeah it also included a salad covered in thousand island dressing. How is that "breakfast?" But they think we are weird for ordering fried bread covered in syrup for a meal. To each their own.

Mostly I was excited to be getting pancakes that weren't from McDonald's- which I have had once here to my peril. But when they arrived, I couldn't even pretend to think they were normal. There were three of the smallest pancakes I had ever seen. I literally laughed out loud at seeing them, they came with a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of syrup. Normally I don't like butter but I thought "What the heck, these are so small anyway." I used maybe half the tbsp of butter provided. And the one tbsp of syrup was the perfect amount.

Sadly this tiny breakfast is probably a "normal" serving of food. No wonder the Japanese are able to stay so skinny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how much you love pancakes! How sad, we went to breakfast downtown Phoenix at a mexican place, they didn't have pancakes either! Looks like we both lost this week-end. Take care